27 April 2009

The Puppies Are Growing Fast!

I can't believe how fast the pups have grown; I've been so busy with them, that I haven't even had time to update my Blog! What a bad blogger!!

The puppies are now running and jumping around; they still have their ears down, but they are really cute and playful.

They have started a bit of solid kibble with water and lap it up a bit before Mom comes in to feed them properly!

06 April 2009

Eyes are Opening!

As of yesterday, 2 pups have their eyes open. Today, there is one more with his open!
Very exciting!

03 April 2009

Puppy update!


Mom and babies are doing very well! Olive is a very attentive mama, and stays with her pups to feed them often throughout the day! She is also eating a lot! 3-4 times a day! The pups are getting chubbier and some weigh about 14oz and some weigh over a pound! Just in a week!

Soon they should open their eyes! Can't wait for that!
Until next time!
Be sure to check out our Puppy Cam at www.justin.tv/frogdog4me to see them live!