06 March 2009

About 2 weeks to go!

Hi there! Olive is due around the 20th of March, that's only 2 weeks to get ready! Hopefully, the whelping box will be completed this weekend. If Olive is going to stay in there with her pups (rather than in my bed), she needs to get used to it!

She's been extra hungry and sleepy these past few days, but still enjoys some exercise in between the raindrops!

That's the latest update, feel free to comment. I'd love to hear from you! :}


  1. This is SOOO exciting! I didn't realize Olive "dated."

    xoxox Amy

    P.S. What day did we say was good for coffee? Thurs or Fri work for me.

  2. Yes, and Olive got to see her boyfriend this past weekend!
